miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


All of we, have an idea about what is became an ancient. However, define what is the aging is not easy.

In general, the majority of specialists define the aging like all the physics, metabolic, mental and functional processings that take place along the time that supose the reduction of adaptation capacity and more dificulty for our mean internal maintenance. This process is continous and inevitable so that, in the end the death arrives.

This chages are named "physiological aging", which there are to add the chages that cause the different styles from life, the environment and the suffered diseases, that is to say the "patological aging". This last one is different for each individual and each device and system. It gives the "biological os functional age us", in contrast with the "chronological age". All we know people who represent an age different from hers, sometimes less, sometimes more young people.

To age is not a disease, but an inseparable change of the life.

There are several aging theories but we have wanted to speak about the free radicals theory.

The definition of this theory is: "Accumulated cellular damage produced by the exhibition to free radicals, highly toxic substances that are generated like products collaterals of the aerobic life".

It was postulated for the first time by Harman in 1950.

The free radicals suppose a cellular and consequently tissue damage, affecting to the yield of the devices. Damage at DNA level will taje place, with the consequent worsening concerning production of proteins and injures in membrane lipids altering the fluidity and in this way making difficult to a good comunication intra and cellular inter. We will as much have therefore a damage at structutal levels as functional of the cells (signals of molecule growth, apoptosis, neurotransmition,...)

It implies a worsening of the organism to respond to stress and to maintain the homeostasis (to respond before oxidating stress, thermal shock, radiations,etc)

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