A fall is a precipitation
to the ground, sudden, involuntary and nonawaited, with or without secondary
injury, confirmed by the patient or a witness.
By their frequency,
consequences and complications, constitute in case single a geriatrical syndrome
of great importance.
The nurse will have to
value the different advice and changes to realise in the home and the routines
of the aged one.
I think that this has an
important paper in the falls, since she is the one that can influence in the prevention
of these. It must be very observant to detect all the possible causes and to
know how to explain it so that old or the their caretakers understand the
changes that are due to do.
She will have to recommend in:
-Postural recommendation: To rise in two times.
-Medication: To reduce hipotensivos doses, drugs and review
interaction between medicaments.
-Sedatives: to diminish dose. Not to mix with alcohol. To advise
-If there are muscular problems: training in transferences and
march, exercises, learning of the correct use of technical assistance for the
-Modifications of the surroundings: illumination. To avoid
obstacles, to eliminate carpets, to avoid slippery grounds, to avoid electrical
cables in zones of transit, telephone surround or tele-help, positioning of
objects to medium altitude, to place railings, use of footwear and suitable
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