miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


Syndrome: defined like “a group of signs and symptoms that appear together and characterize in particular to an anomaly”.

The geriatrical syndromes talk about to multi-factor, own conditions of health of the old patient, that happen when the effects of the accumulation of deteriorations, in multiple systems, return to a vulnerable person against physiological or physiopathological demands.


Geriatrical syndromes of greater prevalence exist, are the great calls geriatrical syndromes, these are urinary Incontinence, falls, Immobility and the mental deterioration. Others exist like; sensorial deprivation, constipation, pressure ulcers, insomnia, depression, social isolation, malnutrition, hypothermia and fainting.

So that, a cause can derive in several geriatrical syndromes, and the other way around, several causes can cause one or more syndromes.

The nurse will have an important paper as far as the prevention and precocious detection of the possible syndromes.
Also of the pursuit of these syndromes to manage a greater rehabilitation and one to improve its quality of life.

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