miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013



The care of the adults that before was a familiar obligation, at present, has happened to be competition of very different social estates. This happened cause the changes that has produced in the family unity and the changes in our profesional lyfe style that is more and more exhausting.

By the other hand, the aged that live more years, represents a great group in our population that has his own and specifics needs that the modern society have to attend.

From the sanitary point of view, the residences of majors and the geriatrical hospitals among others, are those that already comprise significant of our social surroundings and, in this evolution, they are become jumbled so much average physicists as sanitary personal. In my opinión, in all these nevels in the aged care the nurse has an inportant function.


The objective is to carry out a progressive care of the old patient from the acute phase of the disease to securing the greater degree of independence.

1.- General hospital and Geriatrical Hospital.

At present in Spain, the hospitals specialized in geriatrical attention are few, in the majority of the times the services of geriatrics or the geriatrical units are integrated in the general hospitals. As much in a case as in the other, the nursing activities are the following:

            -To receive and to accompany to old and the familiar ones. To teach to them to the norms and the operation of the different services.

            -Initial valuation of the old patient processing the history of infirmary based on the model of Virginia Henderson and applying the scales of geriatrical valuation.

            -To apply well-taken care of of infirmary during the entrance of the patient.

            -To fulfill the facultative prescriptions and to supervise the activities of the auxiliary personnel of its unit.

            -To take responsibility of the organization of the rooms and plants and the other general services for a suitable operation of the center.

            -To try that it is provided to them to the old ones entered a comfortable atmosphere, clean and safe.
            -To guard the medical histories at any moment taking care of the update and exactitude of the data written down in these documents.

2.- Day Geriatrical Hospital.

The day Geriatrical Hospitals are diurnal centers of operation, whose purpose is to guarantee the clinical stability of the old ones and to apply rehabilitating processing directed to the recovery of the activities of the daily life.

There are assistan services between the Hospital and the aged home.

The type of subsidiary patient of this modality of hospitalization is old with neurological pathologies (Parkinson, Alzheimer), cerebrovascular accidents, bony fractures, rheumatisms, …

Activities of nursing in the day Geriatrical Hospital:

            -Integral Valuation of the patient.

            -Taken care of of the corporal hygiene and feeding.

            -Drug control and you rule therapeutic

-Control and taken care of of the surgical wounds and ulcerations.

            - Sanitary education to patients and relatives.

3.- Hospitalization at home.

This modality of hospitalization must like objective guarantee the continuity of the attendance by means of Primary the Hospital-Attention coordination.

Activities of nursing in the Domiciliary Hospitable Attention:

            -Sanitary education that enables to the old one and/or to the family to assume the precocious possible self medication and to obtain a greater autonomy and a smaller dependency of the sanitary personal.

            -To identify signs and symptoms of risk.

            -To value the conditions of the address: accessibility, security and general cleaning, etc. Sometimes will be necessary to adapt the surroundings to the sanitary needs.

            -To support psychological to the old one and the family.

            - Communication with other services: social assistants, services of aid at home.

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